Lisbon Open House

Lisbon Open House is one of the most expressive cultural initiatives in the Portuguese capital. It is organized by the Architecture Triennale with funding from the Secretary of State for Culture and has the institutional support of the Lisbon City Council, EDP Foundation, Serra Henriques Foundation and the Order of Architects.

Since 2014, the Serra Henriques Foundation and the Architecture Triennale have been the institutional partners of the Lisboa Open House, which is an annual and free event, part of the Intervalo program, regular activities developed in the period between each edition of the Lisbon Triennale event.

To see, and to make known, opening doors to what exists of contemporary architecture, of authors and of so many different eras of the past, the classics. Many of the spaces are not currently visitable, as they are unknown or difficult to access. Revealing unsuspected qualities, they are authentic hidden gems.

The selection encompasses both the built heritage and the most diverse types of buildings, from monuments to private homes, from infrastructures to gardens, parks and viewpoints. We are talking about government buildings, city halls, companies and private properties, all over the city.

The Open House program was created by Victoria Thornton, founder of Open House and Director of Open-City, who was present in the city of Lisbon during its first edition. The Open House is a non-profit program, which aims to stimulate public interest in architecture and built heritage, from different eras and scales, integrating it into thematic itineraries.

2024 Edition

Various editions