Urban Regeneration and Interdisciplinary Intervention 

In a partnership with municipalities and local associations, the Serra Henriques Foundation develops progressive intervention initiatives in urban territories.

It is a multidisciplinary intervention to mitigate or contribute to a solution for problems of structural character in the urban, sociological, cultural and educational domains.

Urban regeneration is much more than just the rehabilitation of buildings and exterior spaces, as well as the rectification of basic infrastructures and other, fundamental to interact in a network inside and outside the house, the neighbourhood, the city, the country.

We understand urban regeneration and integrated intervention as a promotion of social cohesion, that is, generational, economical and cultural integration, abiding uncanny values that originated in a lineage tradition that characterizes the local communities.

  • The Foundation collaborates since 1988 with Escola dos Mestres (second chance college) in diverse programmes towards the combat of school underachievement and drop-out. We highlight the programmes of Vocational Guidance, Sports for Integration, Portuguese for Foreigners and Education towards Citizenship.
  • In the domains of social intervention, some twenty actions of joint interventions are carried out annually with NGOs, local authorities and parish centres.
  • In 2017, the Foundation supported the organization of PLANO LISBOA-Critical Cities with the objective of creating synergies and mechanisms that brought the community together and reinforced cultural identity, using contemporary artistic production and architecture as a means of communication, widened debate and civic construction. PLANO LISBOA is a widened programme of contemporary art that aims to think cultural production in its relationship with the city, in a dialogue with the social, historic and architectonic factors that constitute it. This project also explores new possibilities for a cultural practice that can creatively answer to social and urban challenges, as well as contribute to the city's sustainable growth.